Service Charge Or Delivery Charge is not Printing in Receipt

Hello Sir
I have Bought your POS for My Restaurant but service charge or Delivery Charge is Not Printing in Receipt 
The Calculation works Fine but On Printing Receipt is not showing charges of Delivery or Service, due to which reputation of my Business is effecting badly
Please solve this Issue on Urgently Basis

Asked 1 year ago on February 16, 2023 11:35 AM Comments 4 times

  1. Generic placeholder image

    Nazmul Hosan replied

    Hi there, 
    Please send me your admin credentials, I need to check.


    Door Soft Support Team
  2. Generic placeholder image

    Umair replied

    Please check

    Getting complaints from customers on Daily Basis


  3. Generic placeholder image

    Nazmul Hosan replied

    Hi there,

    Can you provide an invoice screenshot, please?

    Door Soft Support Team
  4. Generic placeholder image

    Umair replied

    Hello Sir.

    time has passed too much, I still got no Response from you

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