Not able to print invoice

Kindly check, we are not able to print bills or view the invoices.

username: [email protected]

password: Ficuslot@123

Asked 1 year ago on March 6, 2023 7:23 AM Comments 23 times

  1. Generic placeholder image

    Nazmul Hosan replied

    I am going to close this ticket, if you think still you need to support please re-open the ticket.


    Door Soft Support Team
  2. Generic placeholder image

    Ficuslot Innovation replied

    Sure, we will try to do.

  3. Generic placeholder image

    Nazmul Hosan replied

    Hi there,
    Please create a kitchen with categories from the Panel menu and then try to print KOT.

    Door Soft Support Team
  4. Generic placeholder image

    Nazmul Hosan replied

    I am working for you.

    Door Soft Support Team
  5. Generic placeholder image

    Ficuslot Innovation replied

    Hope you are working on my queries.

  6. Generic placeholder image

    Ficuslot Innovation replied

    Updated password: z)A=^&;-7k0w

    KOT data is not showing others that everything is working fine. Please check the KOT section.

  7. Generic placeholder image

    Nazmul Hosan replied

    Hi there, I can't access your cpanel, I did fix the issue in my end. Please provide again.

    Door Soft Support Team
  8. Generic placeholder image

    Ficuslot Innovation replied

    Sure!! not doing anything on it. Sorry I didn't show your previous message. please do the needfull

  9. Generic placeholder image

    Nazmul Hosan replied

    I am stoping to support you, I will back to you later today.

    Door Soft Support Team
  10. Generic placeholder image

    Ficuslot Innovation replied

    Changed the settings, still had the same issues. with invoice pricing and viewing

  11. Generic placeholder image

    Nazmul Hosan replied

    Stop your investigation, I am checking your issue.

    Door Soft Support Team
  12. Generic placeholder image

    Ficuslot Innovation replied

    Not able to see data in KOT. not able to create a kitchen as well.

  13. Generic placeholder image

    Nazmul Hosan replied

    Wait for a moment, I am checking your issue

    Door Soft Support Team
  14. Generic placeholder image

    Ficuslot Innovation replied

    Still not able to view bills and print it.

  15. Generic placeholder image

    Nazmul Hosan replied

    You did not follow our documentation, please check printer setting related from documentation.


    Door Soft Support Team
  16. Generic placeholder image

    Nazmul Hosan replied

    We are checking the issue.

    Door Soft Support Team
  17. Generic placeholder image

    Ficuslot Innovation replied

    As it's really urgent, kindly give your attention and solve the issues soon. 

    If anything is needed, please let me know from the server side.



  18. Generic placeholder image

    Ficuslot Innovation replied

    now i am getting this issues.


    An uncaught Exception was encountered

    Type: Error

    Message: Call to undefined function mysqli_init()

    Filename: /home/cafesynnefa/public_html/billing-software/system/database/drivers/mysqli/mysqli_driver.php

    Line Number: 135


    File: /home/cafesynnefa/public_html/billing-software/application/core/Cl_Controller.php
    Line: 6
    Function: __construct 

    File: /home/cafesynnefa/public_html/billing-software/application/controllers/Sale.php
    Line: 23
    Function: __construct 

    File: /home/cafesynnefa/public_html/billing-software/index.php
    Line: 315
    Function: require_once

  19. Generic placeholder image

    Nazmul Hosan replied

    Now it seems in your server extension=php_mysqli.dll is not enabled.

    Door Soft Support Team
  20. Generic placeholder image

    Nazmul Hosan replied

    Your setting was not correct, please select the browser print or live server print. and you may share your ftp or cpanel access, we will check it.

    Door Soft Support Team
  21. Generic placeholder image

    Ficuslot Innovation replied



    I am looking for urgent support, libraries are not supporting, could you send me supported files



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